Inauguration of artwork Connaissez-vous la blague du petit déjeuner ? by the collective åbäke

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at 12 am
Bertinghen Farm, 264 rue du Four à Chaux, 62280 Saint-Martin-Boulogne, France

The team of the Maisons des Enfants de la Côte d'Opale wanted to commission an artist to promote the gathering and the archaeological site "Le petit déjeuner sous l'herbe" in view of archaeological excavations scheduled for 2 July 2030 and 2 July 2050.

The åbäke collective of artists and designers has created a composite work that includes a new ritual, a marker of long time, a monument and various symbolic landmarks on the site of the Bertinghen Farm - one of the organisation's living spaces.