Inauguration of an environmental installation by Francesco Simeti at Casa Giglio, Turin

Casa Giglio, Via Cappel Verde 2, 10122 Torino, Italy.
On Saturday 20 November 2021 between 3 and 7:30 pm Casa Giglio unveils an environmental installation realized by Francesco Simeti. Casa Giglio is a welcoming space set up in 2019 on the top floor of the Metropolitan Seminary, in the heart of the historic centre of Turin, to host the families of the children admitted to the local Regina Margherita Hospital.
The artwork is a landscape printed on a fiberglass wallcovering and conceived starting from the different origins of the families hosted by Casa Giglio. Based on archival research and ars combinatoria, this work brings together iconographic traditions, plants and animal species from distant geographies, reflecting the heterogeneous origin of the families who live there.
Casa Giglio is an initiative of Giglio Onlus, an association that since 2002 offers hospitality at no cost to families in need so that they can stay close to their children during their hospitalization. The project is the result of a collaboration between Giglio Onlus and a.titolo in the framework of New Patrons, a programme for the production of works of art commissioned by citizens for their living or work places.
The title of this piece sounds like a nursery rhyme, Gigli, cinghiali, qualche carpa e poi conigli, galline e asini in gran quantità (Lilies, wild boars, some carp and then rabbits, chickens and donkeys in large quantities). The project is dedicated to the younger guests of Casa Giglio, for whom this imaginary landscape was expressly conceived as a fantastic scenario in which the children can immerse themselves. Installed at the entrance of Casa Giglio, it aims to be a welcoming message for the families in residence, the visitors and the community involved in the cultural and recreational activities organized there.
At 5:30 pm the artist will be presenting the Casa Giglio project as well as other previous works of public art in Italy and the United States, where he lives. The event is free but the Green Pass is required. As there will isseating during the talk, please make your reservation here.
Casa Giglio
Via Cappel Verde 2, 10122 Torino
+39 011 3203371
The New Patrons project by Francesco Simeti at Casa Giglio is curated by Luisa Perlo and Francesca Comisso for a.titolo, and produced by Elisa Miotti of Studio senzatitolo, Milan, with the support of the Fondation de France, of Regione Piemonte, of the Fondazione CRT and the OM Project company.