A New Product
Harun Farocki

Mediator - Nina Montmann
Supporters - Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Fondation de France, Körber Stiftung, HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung
Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, 2011-2012
The staff of Quickborner Team, which moved into new offices in Hamburg's HafenCity, take up the mediator Nina Möntmann's recommendation and invite Harun Farocki to accompany them in their everyday lives over an extended period of time. In an area where new spaces for living are being constructed, enterprises are exploring new workspaces as well. How do the businesses engage with this new urban space? What is the role of architecture in relation to the organization of workflows? Which resources does the creation of urban density in the HafenCity offer to businesses? For more than a year, Harun Farocki observes the "QT"'s meetings as a new consulting product is being developed. A group of staff members become participants in the artistic process.
The patrons commission Harun Farocki to realize a film production that critically examines their much-discussed new working and living environment.
Harun Farocki
Harun Farocki was born 1944 in Novy Jicin (Neutitschein) and has completed over 100 productions for television and cinema since 1966: children's television, documentaries, essay films, story films. He was a Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley from 1993-1999. In 2004 he was guest professor , in 2006 professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. In 2007 he participated in the documenta 12. He lives and works in Berlin.