Opera in movimento
Marzia Migliora

Mediator - Giorgina Bertolino, Francesca Comisso, Lisa Parola and Luisa Perlo
Supporters - Project in the framework of the exhibition “Mente locale” produced by the Marcovaldo Association, supported by the European Union within the framework of the programme Alcotra 2007-2013 “Insieme oltre i confini” (together beyond borders) - project “VIAPAC - Via per l’arte contemporanea” (Route for contemporary art)
Filatoio di Caraglio, Cuneo (Caraglio Spinning Mill), Italy, 2012
Movement, from which Marzia Migliora's installation takes its title, is the physical and conceptual dimension through which the artist interprets the notion of border, as it relates to the themes of territory, and of inhabiting a territory. The concept was triggered by a round table conducted by a.titolo with a group of citizens resident in the Cuneo area, who set out to promote an exhibition of contemporary art. The exhibition, entitled "Mente locale", was set up in 2012 at the Spinning Mill in Caraglio as an experimental application of the New Patrons programme. The expression "fare mente locale", which means to bring to mind and concentrate on something, sums up the nature of their discussions, the descriptions of places, and the biographical narrations, from which emerged the theme of border in all its senses. The patrons decided to entrust Marzia Migliora and the other artists invited to develop the exhibition (Alessandro Sciaraffa, Anna Scalfi Eghenter, and Nello Russo) with providing an interpretation of this concept.
In the installation "Opera in movimento" (artwork in movement) the border is mobilised, it becomes rhythm. The artist translates the phenomenon of the oscillation of a stationary wave into an installation. A line, stretched out on the wall, begins to move, it is transformed into an elastic horizon that continually alternates between uphill and downhill, mountain and valley. The stationary wave, like all waves, is a disturbance. Unlike other waves, though, the stationary wave remains in a constant spatial position, fixed in time. It is not propagated, rather oscillating between fixed points known as nodes. In the exhibition space, the physical phenomenon only occurs in the presence of the public. In front of it is the definition of landscape formulated by a poet: on the wall, the words of Andrea Zanzotto shine out, triggering thoughts and suggesting positions, opening the latest in a long line of ways to reflect on our relationship with places.
Marzia Migliora
Marzia Migliora (Alessandria, 1972), lives in Turin. Trained as a photographer, she uses various tools and artistic languages ranging from installation to design to performance. She has made solo exhibitions, interventions and actions in museums and art centres such as the MAXXI in Rome and the Rivoli Castle in 2012, Ex 3, Florence, in 2011, the Museo del Novecento in Milan, in 2009-2011, the Merz Foundation in Turin, in 2006, FACT, Liverpool and the Italian Cultural Institute inLondon in 2005. She recently exhibited in group exhibitions at the Auditorium della Musica in Rome, at the Musée d'Aquitaine Bordeaux, Le Magasin, Centre National d'Art Contemporain in Grenoble, the Carré d'Art in Nîmes and the Mart in Rovereto.