Excideuil folie

Excideuil, Dordogne, France, suspended
As part of the urban plan of the city, it is planned to carry out the development of an important crossroads, a meeting point for Excideuillais, hunters, hikers, etc.. and to create a free thirty square meters, may be deployed temporarily in organizing parties. Sponsors wishing to use an artist to emphasize the symbolic dimension of this benchmark. dECOI a triangle which offers a 3D architectural form unfolds. Consists of 16 elements in fiberglass, molded in advance, the shelter is 35 meters long, self-supporting structure is placed on simple reinforced concrete foundations. The shelter evokes a cave exposed to the gaze, pointing around the landscape where, precisely, the caves were discovered on the site of Excideuil. The model of the project was presented as part of the exhibition Architecture nonstandard scheduled at the Centre Pompidou in 2003-2004.
The triangle is the basic module from which form three-dimensional architectural changes. Composed of 16 elements pre-molded fiberglass, the shelter is 35 meters long, 12 meters wide and 6 feet high. The self-supporting structure is placed on simple reinforced concrete foundations. A ramp can reach a lookout. The shelter is reminiscent of a cave exposed to view, drawing attention to the surrounding landscape where the caves were indeed found at the site of Excideuil, even they are not publicly available. Moreover, under the site Quayrifour there are networks of caves with underground rivers. The enormous futuristic shell seems to come as a dip in the landscape by integrating it perfectly still. Thanks to its title, Folie Excideuil, the building evokes the picturesque buildings scattered through the English gardens of the 18th century, or splurge famous Bernard Tschumi at Parc de la Villette. The model of the project was presented as part of the non-standard architecture exhibition held at the Centre Georges Pompidou in 2003-2004. Sponsors have responded enthusiastically to this project but expressed some reservations about its futuristic appearance. In addition, as one of them asked that the shelter is not located in front of his house, the work had to be re-located on another parcel of land owned by the city and close to the location originally planned.
The mediator, Pierre Marsaa, suggested to involve architects Lacaton & Vassal, but the project did not win the approval of sponsors. After a period of inaction, the owners reiterated their request. This time, the mediator turned to dECOi whose proposal was accepted. Founded in Paris in 1991, dECOi is a research group based in Paris, London and Kuala Lumpur and encourages collaborations between architects and professionals from fields outside architecture. Goulthorpe architect Mark is crucial in the project dECOi that operates internationally as a network of mathematicians, programmers and engineers. Their goal is to exploit the new opportunities offered by formal parametric modeling of creating, by computer, a set of relationships between variables rather than having elastic model fixed. For the reduction of a simple geometric module, originally horizontal, and through a principle of distortion, a complex shape is produced. Nevertheless has a certain aesthetic rationality, it incorporates a wide range of possibilities. Dietrich House (1999) in London is a completed building emblematic of their ideas. The work of dECOi was chosen in the context of Archilab (Orleans, 2001), as well as for the French pavilion at the International Architecture Exhibition in connection with the 2002 Venice Biennale.