Imagine an artistic project with/for people with disabilities through the "New Patrons" action

June 18th, 2019, 2pm. Maison d’Accueil Spécialisée Les Romans, Saumur (France).

Conference by Éric Foucault, Artistic Director of Eternal Network, Tours.

The originality of the approach of the New Patrons is that the artist directly works with the future users of the artworks. In this context, many projects have been launched in favour of blind, mentally disabled, multi-handicapped or psychically challenged people. Some projects have been defined with people with disabilities to understand their expectations, their way of living in the places...

The conference presents several commissions showing that art must remain accessible to people with disabilities, not to intellectualize or conceptualize it, but simply to feel it, to immerse oneself in all one's senses. A lot of time is devoted to satisfying their physiological needs, but it is just as important to be able to meet their need for development (Frédéric Poignant, director of Les Romans). It is also about showing the ability of art to reverse disability as an asset that gives us a new way of seeing the world, even for the "able-bodied".

The conference is divided into three parts and concerns people with disabilities in their diversity:

1) Advance research.
How can artists develop knowledge, develop the work of professionals, or provide answers - intellectual or technical - to researchers?

2) The visibility of difference, what place in the public space?
Not to make people and their disability or psychiatric nature invisible. Demonstrate their presence, their right to be different, so as not to fall into a homogenized, globalized society where everything would be smooth as if to make the existence of difficulties disappear.

3) It is first of all the body that apprehends an artwork: the sensory experience.
If art has always associated aesthetic emotion and intellectual emotion, because art must be a tool for reflection, it is also possible to focus on the sensitive as a trigger of emotion, pleasure, in the simplicity of a bodily experience.