Aller/Retour by Antoni Muntadas

The work will be inaugurated together with the MuCEM on June 4th, 2013.

"People get born and develop. They retrieve their origins in their languages. They build cities and inhabit them. Society and citizenship organise and decide. Conflicts appear and borders are created. Cultures circulate and exchanges multiply. Agreements and differences. Travels, ports, transports, migrations...the water is flowing". (Antoni Muntadas, 2013)

In 2012, the members of the staff and the representatives of the user's committee of the MuCEM have gathered as a group of patrons. They appointed the artist Antoni Muntadas to imagine a work of art around the theme of citizenship, for the entrance hall of the MuCEM. This work not only echoes its history, but also the ongoing political, social and economic transformations on both sides of the Mediterranean basin. 

Through their collective initiative, the patrons express their desire to make the MuCEM into a 'public place', a place of discussion and circulation of ideas.