Errare Humanum Est
Francesco Finizio

Patrons - Des élèves du Lycée privé Chevreul Blancarde, un groupe de professeurs, la documentaliste et le directeur de l établissement.
Mediator - Sylvie Amar
Supporters - Fondation de France, le lycée privé Chevreul Blancarde, les entreprises Azur Baie, peinture Luc Vallarino, New élec., SARL menuiserie La Vénitienne.
Marseille, Lycée privé Chevreul de la Blancarde, 2003-2004

The context

As part of a class, the students at the Private High School Chevreul worked with the BCD over the course of a year on an artistic and cultural project about their city's New Patrons commissioned contemporary art heritage. Inspired by this experience, they expressed the wish to make their own commission, focusing on a hallway in their high school. 

The commission

Renovation of a high school hallway

Constructed as a way to link two buildings, the hallway had originally been a garden. Now this simple hallway has become a place of discussion and exchange. Francesco Finizio proposed to combine the hallway's daily narrative with his commissioners' initial, more practical, request. The hallway was repainted in "garden" colors and a florescent light-box was placed at the entrance. An inscription on the light box states : Errare humanum est, a reference to the hallway's principal transformation : the addition of a series of identical false doors, easily confused with the original ones. The work thus adresses, in a humorous way, the students' own questions about their futures. 

Francesco Finizio

Francesco Finizio was born in 1967 in New York. He lives and works in Brest. Francesco Finizio creates service spaces in response to contemporary society's communication problems, environmental concerns and media development.