Le Chemin d'Expression
Marc Quer

Patrons - Collège Notre-Dame de la Major
Mediator - Bureau des compétences et désirs
Supporters - DSU politique de la ville de Marseille ; Collège Notre-Dame de la Major.
Marseille, France, 2005

The context

Marc Quer organized a project for a group of students in the seventh and eighth grades of the Notre-Dame de la Major High School, brought together for a workshop on environmental awareness. 

The commission

The adolescent of the Panier neighborhood photograph their everyday surroundings

During self-guided walks in the neighborhood, the students were asked to identify and take notes on views to photograph, and then to redo the same trajectory with a camera. The 600 images and lists of notes were exhibited in the stairwell of the middle school for a month, and then at the BCD, as part of the Transformer #2exhibition. 

Marc Quer

Born in 1965 in Villepinte, Marc Quer studied at the Architecture School and Fine Arts School of Marseille simultaneously. He lives and works in Marseille. In his installations, he places material taken from the reality of the city, the reality of people who work and those that live and sleep in the streets. Using a minimalist vocabulary and various juxtapositions, he restores the meaning of these materials and objects.