Art refuges
Andy Goldsworthy

Mediator - Sylvie Amar
Supporters - Fondation de France (programme initiatives d'artistes) - Région Alpes de Hautes Provence - Ville de digne - Réseaux RNF - Réserve naturelle de Digne les Bains - CAIRN
Digne les Bains (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), 1999 - 2004
The context
A twelve-day hiking itinerary, linking twelve sheltered.
As the continuation of an ongoing project, called "Refuges d'art", began in 1995 on the territory of the Digne Geological Reserve, the British artist Andy Goldsworthy wanted to underscore the importance of his relationship to this land by linking twelve of his works by means of a 10-day hiking itinerary.
The commission
The hiker links the work by the path he takes, and he can even spend a night in their presence. A level of intimacy is thus established between the site, the artwork and the viewer, bringing the work full-circle. The initial execution of Refuges d'art is in the form of a film and a guidebook. This book contains maps, a notebook of the artist's notes, photographs of the artworks and a chronology of the artist's work at the Reserve.
Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy was born in Cheshire, UK, in 1956. He has worked all over the world (Europe, America, Japan and Australia). His works, usually made of natural materials he finds on-site, integrate into their surroundings, create a dialogue. Movement, light, growth and destruction constitute the major themes of his work. Photographic reproductions (marked with the date and the place) are often all that remains of them. The artist has created a large part of his work on the territory of the Digne Geological Reserve. Work all the more important because it is, this time, about long lasting construction.